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ولی در زمینه حملاتی که میشه به radius کرد مشکل دارم.
1- active password و passive password یعنی چه؟
2- کلا این 5-6 حمله ای رو که در زیر اومده متوجه نشدم.
اگردوستان کمکم کنند ممنون میشم.
3.1 Response Authenticator Based Shared Secret Attack
The Response Authenticator is essentially an ad hoc MD5 based keyed hash. This primitive facilitates an attack on the shared secret. If an attacker observes a valid Access-Request packet and the associated Access-Accept or Access-Reject packet, they can launch an off-line exhaustive attack on the shared secret. The attacker can pre-compute the MD5 state for (Code+ID+Length+RequestAuth+Attributes) and then resume the hash once for each shared secret guess. The ability to pre-compute the leading sections of this keyed hash primitive reduces the computational requirements for a successful attack.
3.2 User-Password Attribute Cipher Design Comments
The User-Password protection scheme is a stream-cipher, where an MD5 hash is used as an ad hoc pseudorandom number generator (PRNG). The first 16 octets of the stream cipher display the same properties as a synchronous stream cipher. After the first 16 octets, the stream cipher state integrates the previous ciphertext, and becomes more accurately described as a self-synchronizing stream cipher.
The security of the cipher rests on the strength of MD5 for this type of use and the selection of the shared secret. It is unclear what the requirements for this cipher are, so it is unclear if the MD5 function is appropriate for this use. MD5 is not designed to be a stream cipher primitive, it is designed to be a cryptographic hash. This sort of misuse of cryptographic primitives often leads to subtly flawed systems.
3.3 User-Password Attribute Based Shared Secret Attack
Because of the selection of a stream cipher for protection of the User-Password attribute, an attacker can gain information about the Shared Secret if they can observe network traffic and attempt an authentication. The attacker attempts to authenticate to the client with a known password. The attacker then captures the resulting Access-Request packet and XORs the protected portion of the User-Password attribute with the password they provided to the client. This results in the value of the MD5(Shared Secret + Request Authenticator) operation. The Request Authenticator is known (it is in the client's Access-Request packet), so the attacker can launch an off-line exhaustive attack on the shared secret. Note, though, that the attacker cannot pre-compute the MD5 state of the hash for the Request Authenticator, because the Request Authenticator is hashed second.
3.4 User-Password Based Password Attack
The use of a stream cipher to protect the User-Password attribute results in a vulnerability that allows an attacker to circumvent any authentication rate limits imposed by the client. The attacker first attempts to authenticate to the client using a valid username and a known (and likely incorrect) user password. The attacker then captures the resulting Access-Request packet and determines the result of the MD5(Shared Secret + Request Authenticator) operation (in the same way as in the previous attack). The attacker can then replay modified Access-Request packets, using the same Request Authenticator and MD5(Shared Secret + Request Authenticator) value, changing the password (and the associated User-Password attribute) for each replay. If the server does not impose user based rate limits, this will allow the attacker to efficiently perform an exhaustive search for the correct user password.
Note that the attacker can only use this method to attack passwords that are 16 characters or less, as the User-Password protection mechanism uses a chaining method that includes previous ciphertext in the state after the first 16 octets of output.
Any sort of strong data authentication in the Access-Request packet would make this attack impossible.
3.5 Request Authenticator Based Attacks
The security of RADIUS depends on the generation of the Request Authenticator field. The Request Authenticator must be both unique and non-predictable in order for the RADIUS implementation to be secure. The RADIUS protocol specification does not emphasize the importance of the Request Authenticator generation, so there are a large number of implementations that use poor PRNGs to generate the Request Authenticator. If the client uses a PRNG that repeats values (or has a short cycle), the protocol ceases to provide the intended level of protection.
The last two of these attacks require the attacker to cause the client to produce a particular identifier value. This is generally not particularly difficult, as identifiers were never meant as a security feature. The actual method of identifier generation is not specified by the protocol specification, but the most common method of generating the identifier is to increment a one octet counter for each request, and include the counter value as the identifier. Because the identifier generation is normally deterministic, it often doesn't increase the work factor very much at all. An attacker can insert a series of extra requests to the client, forcing the desired identifier to reoccur much more rapidly than it would normally. Even if the identifier were not generated in a readily attackable way, it would still only increase the work factor by 256 times.
3.5.1 Passive User-Password Compromise Through Repeated Request Authenticators

If the attacker can sniff the traffic between the RADIUS client and the RADIUS server, they can passively produce a dictionary of Request Authenticators, and the associated (protected) User-Password attributes. If the attacker observes a repeated Request Authenticator, they can remove any influence of the Shared Secret from the first 16 octets of the passwords by XORing the first 16 octets of the protected passwords together. This yields the first 16 octets of the two (now unprotected) user passwords XORed together.
The impact of this attack varies according to how good the user passwords are. If the users all chose random passwords of the same length, the attacker can gain nothing because no information about either password can be extracted. Unfortunately, this is a somewhat unlikely occurrence. In reality, users choose passwords of varying lengths (generally less than 16 characters) and of varying quality.
The easiest problem for the attacker to exploit is the case where the two passwords are of different lengths. Ideally for the attacker, the passwords are both less than 16 characters long and are significantly different lengths. In this situation, one of the passwords has more padding than the other, so the non-overlapping characters of the longer password are XORed with '0' (the characters do not change). This results in the non-overlapping characters of the longer password being exposed to the attacker with no analysis.
More complex attacks are available if the attacker makes the assumption that the users chose low-entropy passwords. In this situation, the attacker can perform an intelligent dictionary attack guided by statistical analysis of the overlapping region. This dictionary attack can be further refined by noting the length of the two passwords and the trailing portion of the longer password, and then only trying passwords with this length and ending.
Even passwords longer than 16 characters are at risk from this attack, because the attacker still gains information about the first 16 characters of the password. This provides a firm basis for later attack, if nothing else.
3.5.2 Active User-Password Compromise through Repeated Request Authenticators
The attacker can attempt to authenticate many times using known passwords and intercept the generated Access-Request packets, extracting the Request Authenticator and User-Password attributes. The Attacker can then XOR the known password with the User-Password attribute and be left with the MD5(Shared Secret + Request Authenticator) value. The attacker generates a dictionary of Request Authenticator values and associated MD5(Shared Secret + Request Authenticator) values.
When the attacker sees a valid Access-Request packet that has a Request Authenticator value that is in the attacker's dictionary, the attacker can recover the first 16 octets from the protected region of the User-Password field by looking up the associated MD5(Shared Secret + Request Authenticator) value from the dictionary and XORing it with the intercepted protected portion of the User-Password attribute.
3.5.3 Replay of Server Responses through Repeated Request Authenticators
The attacker can build a dictionary of Request Authenticators, identifiers and associated server responses. When the attacker then sees a request that uses a Request Authenticator (and associated identifier) that is in the dictionary, the attacker can masquerade as the server and replay the previously observed server response.
Further, if the attacker can attempt to authenticate, causing the client to produce an Access-Request packet with the same Request Authenticator and identifier as a previously observed successful authentication, the attacker can replay the valid looking Access-Accept server response and successfully authenticate to the client without knowing a valid password.
3.5.4 DOS Arising from the Prediction of the Request Authenticator
If the attacker can predict future values of the Request Authenticator, the attacker can pose as the client and create a dictionary of future Request Authenticator values (with either the expected identifier, or with every possible identifier) and associated (presumably Access-Reject) server responses. The attacker can then masquerade as the server and respond to the client's (possibly valid) requests with valid looking Access-Reject packets, creating a denial of service.
