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نام تاپیک: SSL: شرکتی که کلید برای SSL ارایه کنه

  1. #1

    SSL: شرکتی که کلید برای SSL ارایه کنه

    من می خوام تو سایت که با JSP نوشتیم از SSL استفاده کنم آیا تو ایران شرکتی رو می شناسین که کلیدهای SSL رو پشتیبانی کنه (public key , private key)

  2. #2
    آیا تو ایران شرکتی رو می شناسین که کلیدهای SSL رو پشتیبانی کنه

  3. #3
    <span dir=ltr>

    • Dear Naser

      Please accept my apologies first , i cannot write in persian

      The main goal of PKI is trust and responsability not just Cryptography ,if you are wondering about encryption you can simply setup an easy-to-implement web-based Crypto-System , you do not need more , But PKI is a platform for integrity and confedentiality and privacy plus Security . While there is no Root and Trusted Certificate Authorityin iran there is no mean for any PKI-awar ( Public Key Infrastructure ) Software or protocol , like SSL . i think you do not need any external Key and Trust Provider ( and as i said before there is no meanning for this ) , You can Easily Setup your own Secure Socket Layer using something like openSSL related to your own CA . Inpy Hopes you lucky

      Have Fun


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